Format factory portable 2016
Format factory portable 2016

format factory portable 2016

This religious dominance in book trade reflected the central role of religion in early modern Armenian society.

format factory portable 2016

The most requested book of all, of course, was the Bible. Such paratexts (text that exists in parallel to, or alongside, the main text within a book) are Title pages, principal copied colophons, colophons written later, index of the names and etc. We can trace this integration process through Armenian publications and “paratexts„ left to us by publishers, patrons, and book owners. In the Armenian reality, especially among the Armenian population, who settled in urban centers in different countries, this scientific and technological novelty gets a wide reaction, especially in the 17-18 centuries. During the time, book production made the book an industrial product, a factor in democratization, secularization, and subjectivity. The moveable type printing invention had irrevocably changed the course of book history. The purpose of my report is to present the Armenian book trade during its formation, by studying the Armenian press from 1512 to 1800. Our aim in the presentàrticle is to show that in Armenia in the last two decades cultural and scientific elites have comparatively given up to political and economic elites, bringing serious changes that have prevented the natural development of it, and, therefore resulting in qualitative changes in " Elite " perception. In our opinion, the real elite is, first of all, the " elite " of science and culture that has yielded its role to the political and economic elite in the society in the functional sense.

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The latter will further be called " false elite " by us. The social layer that is found in the highest level of political and economic success is perceived as a " real elite " in the consciousness of broad masses. The discussions about the elite are up-to-date in Armenia, because over the last two decades the " elite " has begun to be defined as and compared with success. The problems of political, cultural and economic elite have always been in the center of attention of different public sciences.

Format factory portable 2016